Trustee Elections

Nomination forms will be accepted from January 16, 2025 until noon on September 22, 2025.
Please review our
2025 School Trustee Candidate Election Package
for all the necessary information and forms.
For more information on Wild Rose School Division wards and school locations, please see our ward map, which is determined in part by By-Law 1-2020. For information from ASBA regarding the upcoming elections, please click here.
Role of a Wild Rose School Division Board Trustee
School board trustees are local politicians elected by and accountable to the community they serve. The provincial government delegates to school boards the responsibility for conducting the affairs of the school jurisdiction. The school board has many responsibilities, including:
- Set school division goals that ensure all students will have dignity, purpose, and hope throughout and upon completion of their education with Wild Rose School Division, and to create powerful learning environments that inspire individual growth in learning and support the well being of all students and staff;
- Planning school division priorities based on provincial curriculum requirements, community input, available resources and best practices in education;
- Developing and implementing an annual budget for the school division based on curriculum requirements and strategic priorities;
- Developing policies to guide school division administration and employees toward division goals;
- Ensuring residents of the school division are regularly informed about the work and achievements of the school division;
- Advocating on behalf of the school community to decision-makers and stakeholders on important issues that affect education, and to ensure education is a top public priority;
- Ensuring regular opportunities for public input and access;
- Evaluating the school division’s superintendent of schools.
Successful school board trustees put the needs of students first. They run for office because they passionately believe a quality education is one of the most important things a community can do to ensure students have the knowledge and skills that enable them to be better prepared for life.
You don’t need to be an expert in education. The school board trustee does not serve as a professional educator or as the spokesperson for a particular interest group or region. The ideal school board includes people from all aspects of life and is as representative as possible of the community it serves.
Trustees may not participate in making decisions in which their economic self-interest may be in conflict with their public duty. The economic or pecuniary interest of a trustee’s spouse, or adult interdependent partner, child or parent is deemed to be the economic interest of the trustee. See the Education Act for more information on:
- the types of pecuniary interest;
- the steps a trustee who is in conflict must follow;
- the disqualification of a trustee;
- the consequence of refusing to resign upon being disqualified as required under the Education Act.
The Candidate Election Package has all of the information you need to submit your nomination for a Public School Board Trustee.